Tuesday, January 5, 2021

No sweet peas this year!

 I did NOT plant sweet peas this year.   Actually, I didn't plant any last year and I had quite a crop come up on their own!   I'm not expecting that this year and, in fact, I have planted hollyhocks in their place.   I will miss my sweet peas, but they have been so thin and straggly the last few years, I've frankly just given up.   I MAY try to plant some next week...we'll see.

In the meantime, I have plenty of hollyhocks coming up, as well as sunflowers.   The hollyhocks are from the seeds I picked all summer long.   I have a whole bucket full of them!   I have scattered them all around the back yard and there are a few that even survived our summer temperatures.   As long as they have water, they seem to do fine.

Another update soon!

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